Page 22 - GAS PR REPORT - December 2022_Neat
P. 22

12/26/22, 8:48 AM                           General Authority of Sports hosts workshop - Health Magazine
        Omar Abdulrahman Al Ali, Director of the Sports Leadership Center, said: “Our latest workshop
        was designed to provide technical, administrative, and medical support to the various individuals

        working in the sports sector. Additionally, this is in line with the government’s directives and the
        50  principles,  which  support  investments  in  human  capital  and  skill  development,  as  well  as

        promote  the  adoption  of  the  best  medical  facilities,  thereby  preventing  injuries  and  better
        preparing our players for success.”

        “The  General Authority  of  Sports  (GAS)  is  consistently  working  to  improve  collaboration  with

        federations and clubs in the medical sector, and keeping up with the best international studies in

        the field of injury prevention. This is even more important as it has grown into a broad science
        that serves as the foundation of modern sports medicine and assists in providing a better path
        for athletes by evaluating all the factors that aid in the prevention of injuries,” he added.

        Furthermore,  the  lecture  concentrated  on  the  significance  of  physical  examinations  and  their
        primary  function  in  supporting  players,  which  are  further  used  in  the  development  of  training

        regimens  for  these  athletes.  These  tests  serve  as  effective  tools  in  assessing  the  players’
        physical  and  mental  preparedness,  along  with  the  need  to  alter  their  training  patterns  and
        address any weaknesses that surface.

        An  ‘innovation  lab’  in  the  field  of  prevention  of  sports  injuries  was  also  held  after  the  lecture,
        which  consisted  of  discussions  about  medical  issues,  and  the  need  for  new  and  innovative

        approaches to improve the daily operations of medical professionals. The lab’s primary objective
        was  to  help  participants  focus  on  the  factors  that  increase  a  player’s  risk  of  injuries,  such  as
        inadequate psychological preparation, failure in choosing the right training exercises, neglecting

        regular checkups, poor nutrition, and lack of compliance with periodic examinations.

        The  General  Authority  of  Sports  (GAS)  works  to  promote  awareness  in  the  field  of  sports

        medicine  by  hosting  several  workshops,  in  collaboration  with  major  institutions  in  the  sector.
        Through  the  exchange  of  knowledge  and  best  practices,  the Authority  aims  to  promote  injury

        prevention in sports and empower the medical staff.

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