Page 38 - Savoye PR Report - May 2024
P. 38

Savoye to highlight significance of AI and automation solutions in supply chain and logistics sector at Seamless Middle East 2024
        Savoye to highlight significance of AI and

        automa on solu ons in supply chain and logis cs

        sector at Seamless Middle East 2024

        Savoye to highlight significance of AI and automa on solu ons in supply chain and logis cs sector at
        Seamless Middle East 2024

           Middle East’s warehouse automa on market is forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate
           (CAGR) of 17.5 percent, reaching USD 1.6 billion by 2025
           At Seamless Middle East 2024, the company will showcase its exper se and the latest cu ng-edge
           technology in the supply chain and logis cs sector.

        UAE, May 13, 2024

        Savoye, a leading global warehouse automa on integrator and so ware publisher in the Middle East, will
        dive deep into the limitless possibili es set forth by automa on and ar ficial intelligence in the logis cs and
        supply chain sector at the Seamless Middle East 2024.

        The yearly gathering of industry leaders from sectors, including eCommerce, retail, payments, and logis cs,
        Seamless Middle East 2024 will set forth an ideal pla orm for Savoye to showcase its leading exper se in
        the supply chain and logis cs sector. It will also assist the company in iden fying the challenges and mee ng
        the evolving demands of the thriving market. During the event, Savoye will present its most recent
        innova ons, solu ons, and capabili es at Seamless Middle East, including its state-of-the-art ACR
        (Autonomous Case-Handling Robots) and ODATiO so ware solu ons, which are intended to transform
        warehouse opera ons, increase supply chain efficiency, and meet other requirements of the sector.

        The dynamic logis cs and supply chain sector of the Middle East region has undergone con nuous
        development to effec vely meet the evolving demands of retailers by leveraging cu ng-edge technologies.
        The eCommerce con nues to be the primary growth engine for warehouse automa on technologies
        worldwide, and this holds true even in the Middle East. The demand for addi onal warehouse space and
        the deployment of automa on technologies within the warehouse are significantly being driven by the…  1/2
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