P. 32

      2/27/24, 11:50 AM                      CRA, RIPE NCC con duct IPv6 train ng course in capa city build ng ini i at ve
       CRA, RIPE NCC con duct IPv6 train ing course in capa city
       build ing ini ti at ive

       Qatar Tribune · 26 Feb 2024 · TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK

       IN line with Qatar’s Inter net Pro tocol Ver sion 6 (IPv6) Imple ment a tion Strategy

       and as an essen tial com pon ent of the ongo ing joint capa city-build ing e orts, the

       Com mu nic a tions Reg u lat ory Author ity in Qatar (CRA), in col lab or a tion with the
       Réseaux IP Européens Net work Coordin a tion Centre (RIPE NCC), con duc ted a

       three-day train ing course on IPv6 from Feb ru ary 19 to 21.

       The train ing course was atten ded by attendees rep res ent ing Qatar’s IPv6
       Taskforce mem bers from Aspire Zone, Qatar Energy, Min istry of Pub lic Health,

       Hamad Inter na tional Air port, Sidra Medi cine, Gen eral Author ity of Cus toms,
       Carne gie Mel lon Uni versity-Qatar, Qatar Uni versity, Hamad Bin Khal ifa Uni -

       versity, Qatar Found a tion, Min istry of Edu ca tion and Higher Edu ca tion, Qatar
       Air ways, and the Uni versity of Doha for Sci ence and Tech no logy.

       The train ing was designed to equip par ti cipants with the essen tial know ledge

       and skills required for a seam less and suc cess ful trans ition from Inter net Pro -
       tocol ver sion 4 (IPv4) to IPv6. It provided an in-depth explor a tion of crit ical

       aspects of trans ition ing to IPv6 such as con  g ur a tion, deploy ment, rout ing, and

       secur ity. It addressed the sig ni  c ance of IPv6 and its neces sity for mod ern net -
       works. The course o ered found a tional know ledge on plan ning IPv6 deploy ment

       and address ing strategies.
       “In line with our com mit ment to sup port digital trans form a tion and enhan cing

       the tech no lo gical infra struc ture in the State of Qatar, the import ance of the

       train ing course o ered in col lab or a tion with the RIPE NCC becomes evid ent. This
       ini ti at ive is a corner stone in our strategy to build ing the capa city of our tech nical

       sta  and enable them to apply the latest global stand ards in the Inform a tion and
       Com mu nic a tion Tech no logy  eld”, said Ali Al-Suwaidi, dir ector of the Tech nical

       A airs Depart ment at CRA.

       “By focus ing on the trans ition to IPv6, we aim to achieve sus tain ab il ity and
       expand our digital cap ab il it ies, while ensur ing the highest levels of secur ity and

       e  ciency in net work com mu nic a tion. This step is fun da mental for wel com ing

       and integ rat ing next-gen er a tion tech no lo gies, includ ing the Inter net of Things
       and autonom ous vehicles, secur ing Qatar’s lead ing pos i tion in the global digital                                      1/2
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