P. 95

6/4/24, 4:04 PM   PRESSR: Etihad Credit Insurance records 21-fold growth in gross exposure by end of 2023 to reach AED 9.6bln in 5 years — Tradi…
        PRESSR: Etihad Credit

        Insurance records 21-fold

        growth in gross exposure by

        end of 2023 to reach AED

        9.6bln in 5 years

        May 22, 202416:49 GMT+4

        Bin Touq: “Thanks to the directives of its wise leadership, the UAE continues to

        consolidate its position as a leading hub for investment and business. ECI’s

        positive results reflect the growing bonds of cooperation between the country

        and its most prominent partners at the regional and global levels.”

           ECI covers 3.1 per cent of UAE’s non-oil exports of AED 441 billion in 2023,
           compared to 1.9 per cent in the previous year.

           ECI supports UAE exporters across 17 sectors in 110 countries, amounting to a

           non-oil trade and investment of AED 14 billion.

           Over two-thirds of beneficiaries of ECI comprise SMEs while large

           corporations represent another 20.9 per cent.

           The company effectively handled overdue payments, resulting in the

           collection of AED 82 million.

           ECI receives AA- international rating by Fitch for the fifth consecutive year.

        UAE, May 22, 2024: Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI), the UAE Federal export credit
        company, has unveiled its remarkable growth trajectory in its latest annual

        report for the year 2023. With a gross exposure of AED 9.6 billion by the end of,2024-05-22:newsml_ZawSqVrx:0-pressr-etihad-credit-insurance-records-21-fold-growth-in-gross-expo…  1/5
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