Page 176 - Integrate ME PR REPORT - MAY 2024
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5/21/24, 1:04 PM       Integrate Middle East’s second edition starts tomorrow, convening Pro AV and Media community - Middle East News 247
        Additionally, at the second edition of the Integrate Middle East Summit, industry pioneers and thought leaders
        from the international Pro Av value chain will convene on May 21-22 to offer insights on MENA region’s

        exponential market potential and discuss key industry trends such as the role of AI in music production;
        signage for smart cities; digital out-of-home advertising, and the future of experiential visual content.

        Speaker Ameen Insan, Founder of Data is Beautiful, whose pioneering work in data art unveils the hidden
        aesthetic essence of complex datasets, amalgamating technology and creativity, stated: “I look forward to
        leading the discussion on data art and how it can enhance spaces and brand activations on the opening day,

        under the topic ‘Data Art, AI and the Future of Experiential Visual Content’. I am positive that the audience
        will gain interesting insights on the role of data visualisation and human emotions when crafting thoughtful
        and immersive stories. By the end of the session, visitors will gain knowledge on data art application and its

        future trends.”

        Predicted to attract 10,000 visitors, Integrate Middle East 2024 seeks to create a community of technology

        leaders and integrated solution buyers from the intersecting worlds of education, media, entertainment,
        hospitality, retail and communication, to support this professional network and foster its integration into the

        broader entertainment industry and several vertical markets.

        For more information and to register for tickets or media access, visit:

        Last Updated on 1 day by Middle East News 247

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