Page 12 - Orient Finance PR Report - December 2023
P. 12

Smart money moves: Tips for new investors from an expert
        include, emo onal decision-making, which o en leads to impulsive ac ons and chasing short-term

        market trends that may result in missed opportuni es or substan al losses.

        Similarly, neglec ng diversifica on can expose your investment por olio to unnecessary vulnerability.

        Overleveraging or inves ng with borrowed money can also magnify losses and heighten financial risks.

        The cornerstone of any successful investment is pa ence, steadfast long-term perspec ve and disciplined

        risk management and by adhering to these principles, investors can seamlessly navigate poten al pi alls
        and build a resilient investment strategy.

        Q: How can financial ins tu ons contribute to making financial services more inclusive, ensuring that a

        broader segment of society has access to opportuni es for wealth crea on?

        Financial ins tu ons play a pivotal role in fostering financial inclusion through various strategic measures,

        such as offering accessible and affordable financial products. Addi onally, financial educa on programs

        and leveraging technology contribute to empowering individuals with the knowledge needed to make

        informed financial decisions.

        Simplifying account opening processes and providing tailored products are essen al steps that widen

        access to wealth crea on opportuni es across diverse segments of society.

        For instance, at Orient Finance, the introduc on of Demo trading accounts is a testament to our

        commitment to boos ng trading capabili es and facilita ng strategy development. This tool is accessible
        through mobile apps and web browsers. With a substan al account value of USD 25,000, firms are

        empowered with sufficient virtual fund to experiment and enhance their trading abili es.

        Our comprehensive technical analysis helps them explore risk management solu ons and technologies

        crucial for real trading scenarios.

        Q: For someone looking to invest, what factors should they consider when deciding between long-term

        and short-term investment op ons, and how does this decision impact their financial goals?

        While choosing between long-term and short-term investments, investors must diligently evaluate their

        financial circumstances and factors like financial goals,  me horizon and risk tolerance.

        On one hand, long-term investments, such as re rement accounts, gain advantages from the
        compounding effect over  me, contribu ng to sustained growth. On the other hand, short-term

        investments may be apt for immediate financial goals, but they typically come with higher risk.                                  5/6
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