P. 282

1/31/25, 1:12 PM                               Uae-kuwait Week to launch in Dubai on Feb ru ary 3
       Uae-kuwait Week to launch in Dubai on Feb ru ary 3

       Gulf Today · 26 Jan 2025

       DUBAI: The inaug ural Uae-kuwait Week will take place in Dubai from Feb ru ary 3-4, 2025.

       The event aims to bol ster stra tegic eco nomic and trade ties between the two nations and
       identify new oppor tun it ies for col lab or a tion across pri or ity sec tors.
       Jointly organ ised by the UAE Min istry of Eco nomy and Dubai Cham bers, in col lab or a tion with

       the Kuwaiti Con su late Gen eral and Dubai Cul ture & Arts Author ity, the event will act as a
       dynamic pla form for busi nesses, poli cy makers, and industry lead ers to exchange insights,
       explore invest ments, and strengthen bilat eral trade rela tions. Dr. Thani Al Zey oudi, Min is ter
       of State for For eign Trade, under scored the sig ni fic ance of the Uae-kuwait Week as a key
       mile stone in advan cing bilat eral eco nomic cooper a tion and fos ter ing stra tegic part ner ships.

       He said, “The UAE and Kuwait share a dee p rooted rela tion ship, driven by our lead er ship’s
       shared vis ion for sus tain able growth and mutual prosper ity. This event serves as a vital pla -
       form to identify oppor tun it ies, foster part ner ships, and unlock the poten tial of key sec tors

       such that are cent ral to both our eco nom ies. Whether in energy, logist ics, food secur ity, or
       advanced indus tries, we aim to cre ate syn er gies that will empower busi nesses and set the
       found a tion for long-term eco nomic growth.”
       He fur ther emphas ised the role of the private sec tor in driv ing innov a tion and sus tain able
       devel op ment, high light ing the import ance of small and medium enter prises (SMES) as the

       back bone of eco nomic diver si fic a tion.

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