Page 51 - GAS PR REPORT - December 2023
P. 51

12/27/23, 8:34 AM           UAE celebrates its 2022 sports champions at 17th annual honouring ceremony -

         Al Falasi added, "The impressive accomplishments of the country's youth serve as a

         testament to the constant progress of UAE sports, which is a result of the concerted efforts of
         our partners in the sports sector. These efforts are aimed at achieving na onal objec ves and

         suppor ng spor ng successes."

         The UAE Jiu-jitsu Federa on secured the top spot on the list of most-achieving federa ons in
         2022 with 41 world medals, comprising 17 gold, 13 silver and 11 bronze medals.

         Meanwhile, the Na onal Paralympic Commi ee earned the largest share of the prize, with

         the paralympic athletes Mohamed Alhammadi and Abdulla Sultan Alaryani recognised as

         world-record holders, earning them special recogni on and financial rewards. (ANI/WAM)

         Disclaimer: This post has been auto-published from an agency feed without any modifica ons

         to the text and has not been reviewed by an editor

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