Page 53 - Centena Group PR Report - June 2024
P. 53
#Interview: How Innovative Science & Technology Solutions are Redefining Key Sectors - Business Today Middle East
2. What is the future of AI and ML integra on in industries where Centena Group is ac ve? Could you discuss
Centena’s latest cu ng-edge business solu ons?
At Centena, we believe in using crea ve thinking, imagina ve engineering, and innova ve technology to
revolu onise the industries we operate in. Through our strategic partnerships and our dedica on to
technological advancement, we are reshaping the landscape across the MENA region.
At ScreenCheck, our security and iden fica on division, we are using the power of AI to enhance biometric
access control systems, which improve the accuracy and reliability of facial recogni on, fingerprint scanning,
and iris recogni on; thus, making the world safer and more efficient. Within our Industrial process solu ons, AI
and ML are game changers. They help us predict maintenance needs and detect network leaks using data from
analysers and flow meters, ensuring smoother and safer opera ons. In our Life Analy cal and Material Tes ng
division, AI and ML are revolu onising processes to achieve quicker and more accurate results. Beyond
implemen ng these technologies, we are commi ed to nurturing the next genera on with essen al skills.
Through ATLAB, we partner with schools and universi es to introduce prac cal applica ons of AI and ML,
empowering young minds to contribute to a more sustainable world.
Now that we are almost halfway into 2024, AI and ML remain at the forefront of a global technological
revolu on that is profoundly impac ng the world around us. As per a recent survey, 75 per cent of companies
aim to adopt big data analy cs, cloud compu ng, eCommerce, digital trade, and AI technologies between 2023
and 2027, while more than 86 per cent were in favour of adop ng digital pla orms and apps. According to a
report by Interna onal Data Corpora on (IDC), AI investment in the MENA region is poised to grow at a CAGR of
37 per cent, achieving a valua on of USD 7.2 billion by 2026.
3. How are modern marine naviga on and communica on systems evolving? How does Centena Group
address the ever-evolving demands of the Mari me Industry?
The evolu on of marine naviga on and communica on systems is defined by the integra on of satellite
communica on, automa on, enhanced naviga on, cybersecurity and environmental monitoring. Ships rely on
global satellite connec vity, automa on streamlines opera ons, and advanced naviga on ensures safety. Our
mari me division, Maritronics, tailors bespoke naviga on, communica on, and automa on offerings,
exemplified by its innova ve NavCom solu ons, with a consolidated presence across key ports worldwide.
Centena Group meets industry demands with safety-focused solu ons, addressing incidents like the Bal more
collision and rising piracy. Our integrated bridge systems offer redundancy and real- me decision-making,
tailored to modern naviga on needs. This commitment drives global interest in our solu ons, recognising
Centena Group as a leader in mari me innova on.
4. How is digital transforma on shaping the industries Centena Group is engaged in? Can you highlight a few
notable projects or partnerships?
Digital transforma on is an integral facet of all our opera ons, and we aim to revitalise the sectors we serve by
harnessing world-class technologies. For instance, we facilitate AI-powered vessel monitoring and security
solu ons and empower educa onal ins tu ons by offering AI-based eLearning pla orms. Some of our AI-
powered access solu ons are enhancing the physical security of highly innova ve and inspiring projects in the
region, while our subsidiary, ATLAB, successfully conducted the first LEGO League in the UAE.
5. What are some of the key challenges and opportuni es posed when integra ng new technological
solu ons within tradi onal industry frameworks?
We have seen first-hand how the integra on of new technologies within tradi onal frameworks can be
impacted by system compa bility issues, high implementa on costs, employees’ resistance to change, data
security gaps and a dearth of technical skills. However, the disadvantages are far outweighed by key benefits
such as enhanced efficiency and compe ve superiority, which can be achieved through automa on and data
analy cs. Hence, we empower our clients during such transi ons, by facilita ng advanced technologies,
pioneering cu ng-edge business models and products to promote sustainability and op mal resource
consump on.
6. What is Centena Group’s strategic vision for the next five years? 2/3