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1/30/24, 3:58 PM   International SOS reinforces commitment to elevating global health and safety standards amid rising demand for services - mi…
        International SOS reinforces

        commitment to elevating global health

        and safety standards amid rising

        demand for services

        January 29, 2024                                                                                       14

        International SOS, the world’s leading health and security risk services company, has
        reaffirmed its dedication to elevating global health and safety standards through its
        comprehensive and holistic approach to employee wellbeing. This commitment gains

        heightened significance in the face of an increased demand for its health and security risk
        services, driven by factors such as regional conflicts, climate change and disease outbreaks.

        As international business travel rebounds to near pre-COVID levels, the organisation noted a
        more than threefold increase in health and security cases per 100 trips since 2019.

        Positioned at the forefront of addressing the evolving challenges faced by global workforces,
        the organisation emphasised the interconnected nature of health issues across borders. This

        holds significance as it coincides with businesses embracing learnings from the COVID-19
        pandemic and adapting their health strategies to address the negative impacts of climate

        This was stated by Dr Olivier LO, Group Medical Director Occupational Health Services,
        Medical Services, of International SOS, while reviewing the company’s ongoing efforts to

        deliver innovative health and security solutions on a global scale. This includes ensuring
        enhanced business continuity, superior Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) performance,

        and a substantial reduction in the rate of injuries as well as expensive evacuations from
        offshore oil and gas installations.

        Dr Olivier LO said: “At International SOS, our commitment to shaping the global health
        landscape is unwavering. As we navigate the complex challenges of the modern world, our
        focus on strategic innovation remains at the core of our mission. In prioritising employee

        wellbeing, we are not just safeguarding individuals; we are empowering organisations to…  1/3
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