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4/5/24, 8:55 AM                 Dubai's Salik warns investors against scams offering instant stock buys | Markets – Gulf News
             More new investors

             In the UAE, new retail investors keep signing up for each new IPO that have hit the

             markets since 2021-22. On DFM, Salik has been one of the standout performers. The

             stock is currently at Dh3.7, close to its 52-week high of Dh3.78.

             It has been heavily favoured by retail investors, along with the likes of Dubai Taxi Co.

             and Parkin. It has also meant that scamsters have been targeting investors and

             wannabe stock buyers with fraudulent emails and links.

             “We are constantly striving to raise awareness among the general public to remain

             alert about fake websites as well as various phishing emails and scams that are

             masquerading our identity and being circulated across social media and other

             platforms," said Ibrahim Sultan Al Haddad, CEO.

             'Operating outside the country'

             "We would like to advise customers not to reveal their personal and financial details to

             these accounts as these are fraudulent schemes run by scammers operating from

             outside the country, attempting to steal data and money. Individuals who are

             interested in purchasing Salik shares can deal with brokers and official channels, as
             well as visit Dubai Financial Market (DFM) website.”

             Trading platforms in the UAE too have been issuing alerts about the need for investors

             not to get too carried away about revealing data, responding to 'suspect'  3/4
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