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      12/9/24, 10:00 AM                                FDF hosts ‘Qual ty of Fam ly Life Forum 2024’
       FDF hosts ‘Qual ity of Fam ily Life Forum 2024’

       Gulf Today · 8 Dec 2024 · Staff Reporter

       ABU DHABI: The Fam ily Devel op ment Found a tion (FDF) is con duct ing the “Qual ity of Fam ily

       Life Forum 2024,” under the theme “Our Com munity Unites Us” across its centres in Abu
       Dhabi, Al Ain and Al Dhafra region, as a part of the ‘Beter Fam ily Life’ ser vice.
       The forum, which is being held from the begin ning of Novem ber till Decem ber 2024, primar -

       ily aims to elev ate the qual ity of life of both fam il ies and soci ety, through events and work -
       shops that cater to the unique needs of diverse age groups.
       Bahia Al-mar zouqi, Head of the Youth Skills and Abil it ies Devel op ment Depart ment at FDF,
       stated that the forum serves as a unique pla form to enhance com mu nic a tion, raise com -
       munity aware ness and foster pos it ive con nec tions among fam ily mem bers. She fur ther

       emphas ised FDF’S com mit ment to o er ing innov at ive pro grams that pro mote key val ues and
       encour age indi vidu als to engage in inter act ive activ it ies.
       She added that the forum provides inter act ive and prac tical meth ods for fam ily mem bers to

       engage in skill devel op ment activ it ies, aim ing to develop and assess indi vidu als’ com mu nic a -
       tion skills, as well as bol ster rela tion ships with fam ily mem bers.
       Al-mar zouqi spe ci ed that it iden ti  es areas of improve ment to pro mote the well-being of
       indi vidu als, fam il ies and soci ety as a whole.
       Moreover, she remarked that the forum enhances essen tial emo tional, social intel li gence and

       tol er ance skills while improv ing their prac tical applic a tion in daily life.
       Al-mar zouqi fur ther men tioned that the forum fea tures a diverse range of inter act ive activ it -
       ies and work shops, such as ses sions on social cinema work shops, “My Hap pi ness Path,”

       “Dis cover Me with Love,” “I Cre ate with My Fam ily,” “Plant ing seeds,”
       “The Litle Police man,” Pro duct ive Fam il ies Exhib i tion, “The Litle Mer chant,” sports and cul -
       tural com pet i tions, a horse show, aware ness seg ments and a musical seg ment.
       She stated that the “Beter Fam ily Life Ser vice,” aims to provide requis ite know ledge and abil -
       it ies to elev ate the over all qual ity of life for both indi vidu als and soci ety, fur ther emphas ising

       the forum’s key object ive to pro mote hap pi ness, well being, social con nec tion and digital
       qual ity of life.
       Al-mar zouqi added that it seeks to pro mote val ues of gen er os ity, col lab or a tion, tol er ance and

       social intel li gence, while equip ping indi vidu als with neces sary skills to forge pos it ive familial
       bonds. She also high lighted that it facil it ates inter act ive meth ods for fam ily mem bers and the
       com munity to engage in a social set ing by com bin ing skill devel op ment and leis ure.

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