Page 46 - GAS PR REPORT - January 2024
P. 46

      1/15/24, 4:59 PM                             GAS signs MOU with Bahrain to boost sports cooper a ion
       GAS signs MOU with Bahrain to boost sports cooper a tion

       Gulf Today · 12 Jan 2024

       MANAMA: The Gen eral Author ity of Sports (GAS) signed a Memor andum of Under stand ing

       (MOU) with the Gen eral Sports Author ity in the King dom of Bahrain to exchange expert ise
       and advance the sports sec tor in both coun tries.
       The MOU was signed in Abu Dhabi in the esteemed pres ence of Dr. Ahmed Bel houl Al Falasi,
       Min is ter of Edu ca tion and Chair man of the Gen eral Author ity of Sports, Sheikh Khalid Bin

       Hamad Al Khal ifa, the First Deputy Chair man of the Bahraini Supreme Coun cil for Youth and
       Sports, the Chair man of the Gen eral Sports Author ity, and the Pres id ent of the Bahrain
       Olympic Com mitee, along with Shaikh Sal man Bin Mohammed Al Khal ifa, Vice Pres id ent of
       the Gen eral Sports Author ity and Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdul lah Al Khal ifa, Ambas sador of the

       King dom of Bahrain to the UAE.
       In addi tion, Saeed Abdul Gha  ar Hus sain, the Dir ector Gen eral of the Gen eral Author ity of
       Sports, and other sports o  cials from both parties also par ti cip ated in the event.
       The MOU seeks to strengthen bilat eral cooper a tion in the  eld of sports between both the

       nations by exchan ging expert ise and know ledge in a range of sports  elds.
       This includes train ing sports per son nel, host ing national, regional, and inter na tional con fer -
       ences and sem inars in both coun tries, as well as exchan ging pro grams between insti tu tions,
       author it ies, and sports fed er a tions, in addi tion to hold ing vari ous sports events. It addi tion -

       ally entails organ ising col lab or at ive ini ti at ives in the  elds of women’s sports, sports for
       people of determ in a tion, com munity sports, Para lympic sports, sports medi cine, sports tour -
       ism, and anti-dop ing.
       Ahmad Bel houl Al Falasi, Min is ter of Edu ca tion and Chair man of the Gen eral Author ity of

       Sports stated: “The UAE and the King dom of Bahrain boasts strong and long-stand ing rela -
       tions across a range of  elds.
       “This memor andum demon strates the aspir a tions of the two broth erly nations to strengthen
       their cooper a tion across a range of  elds.

       “This includes sup port ing sports tal ents of both coun tries, fos ter ing the sports sec tor, shar -
       ing know ledge and exper i ences to advance ath letic poten tial and cap ab il it ies, as well as
       increas ing oppor tun it ies for ath letes to suc ceed.”

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