P. 16

As for the weights of companies in the Dubai Financial Market Islamic Index, 3 stocks
               accounted for about 30% of the total index weight: “Emaar Properties” with a 10% share, “Dubai
               Islamic” with a 10% weight, and “DEWA” with a 10% share.

               “Air Arabia” shares came in fourth place with a weight of 8.26%, then “Dubai Investments”
               7.72%, “Emaar Development” 7.53%, “SALIC” 6.61%, “Du” 5.93%, “Gulf Navigation” 3.68%, and
               “Empower” 3.22%. “Empower” 3.22%, “Ajman Bank” 3%, “Dubai Financial Market” 2.29%, and
               “Tabreed” 2.25%.

               The weight of “Deyaar” shares in the Islamic index was 2.19%, “GFH” 2.07%, “Aramex” 1.93%,
               “Tecom” 1.9%, “Taleem” 1.86%, “Al Salam Bahrain” 1.81%, and “Union Properties.” 1.58%,
               “Dubai Taxi” 1.38%, and “Amanat” 1.25%, while the rest of the companies came with shares
               less than 1%.

               The Dubai Financial Market indices, including the general index, the Islamic index, and sectoral
               indices, are based on best practices, which provides all traders with global indices that are easy
               to trade and invest in accordance with.

               The international company S&P Dow Jones Indices is responsible for calculating the indices,
               noting that they are calculated on the basis of the market value of the actual shares available for
               free trading and are rebalanced on a quarterly basis under the supervision of a specialized,
               independent committee.

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