Page 65 - MBRF PR REPORT - JUNE 2024
P. 65
6/21/24, 1:51 PM First phase of DIPW’S chil dren’s work shop ends on a high note
a tions. Fur ther more, it also emphas ises the MBRF’S com mit ment to enhan cing
the par ti cipants’ skills to illus trate chil dren’s stor ies by employ ing innov at ive
and cre at ive meth ods. The primary goal is to cre ate art works and pub lic a tions
that are chil dren-friendly, encour age young people to develop a pas sion for
books, and foster a read ing cul ture among them.”
“The next phases of the work shop will place a major focus on o er ing par ti -
cipants addi tional train ing on devel op ing more skills and tech niques in order to
fur ther enable them to achieve the desired out comes,” he added.
The work shop comes as part of DIPW’S com mit ment to enhan cing the realm of
lit er at ure and fos ter ing the poten tial of emer ging artists and tal ents. Its primary
goal is to provide them with the requis ite skills and resources to pur sue their lit -
er ary and cre at ive endeavors, real ising the vital role they play in advan cing the
cre ation, dis sem in a tion, and devel op ment of know ledge.
The work shop’s rst phase, which com menced on 20 May 2024, and las ted over
two months, was suc cess fully con cluded.
Fatima Al-amiri, writer and illus trator, led the work shop and delivered a broad
range of hands-on train ing exer cises focused on innov at ive tech niques, cre at ive
tools, and novel visual e ects in the cre ation of illus tra tions for chil dren’s stor -
Together with teach ing the fun da ment als of devel op ing char ac ters and illus trat -
ing story scenes, the activ it ies also covered the prin ciples of writ ing chil dren’s
nov els.
Dur ing this phase, par ti cipants gained know ledge regard ing the fun da mental
ele ments and aes thetic aspects of chil dren’s stor ies, includ ing under stand ing
the selec tion of suit able col ors, arran ging ele ments on the page, and e ect ively
util ising blank spaces. Fur ther more, they were also intro duced to a diverse col -
lec tion of Arabic and non-arabic story mod els, acquir ing famili ar ity with vari ous
global meth ods for design ing and pro du cing enga ging chil dren’s stor ies and
Par ti cipants also had the unique oppor tun ity to receive prac tical train ing ses -
sions focused on book cover designs. This train ing was tar geted at edu cat ing
them about the com mon mis takes so they could steer clear and have a thor ough
under stand ing of the artistic pro cesses involved in book pro duc tion. With these
neces sary skills and the or et ical know ledge, the par ti cipants are well-pre pared to
pro duce illus trat ive scen arios for stor ies crated by their fel low peers in other 2/3