Page 13 - GAS PR REPORT - February 2023_Neat
P. 13

Press Release

               authorities around the world in enhancing sports integrity and governance, safeguarding sports
               from corruption, as well as highlighting important developments in the field of sports integrity.

               The Global Ministerial Forum on Sports values, Ethics, and Integrity aims to promote moral and
               ethical values in sports, paving way for fair and honest competition across all the fields related to
               sports.  It  also  aims  to  enhance  the  shared  visions  among  the  participating  countries  and
               organisations, thereby enhancing the global sports ecosystem. The conference further works to
               ensure  fair  competition  in  a  variety  of  competitions  at  the  local,  regional,  continental,  and

               international levels.


               For further information, please contact:

                   Orient Planet Group (OPG)
               Tel:  +971 4 4562888
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