P. 20

Press Release

                   crises, and disasters preparedness. Through this report, we aim to further enhance the
                   Centre’s as well as the Emirate’s emergency response and management capabilities by

                   offering the requisite knowledge and resources. We have developed this report in

                   recognition of the critical importance of equipping government personnel with the essential
                   expertise and skills to enhance government performance, as they form the first line of

                   response during emergencies, crises and disasters.”

                   Al Mehairbi added: “We constantly work towards advancing studies and research while

                   crafting essential policies and plans to proactively address and mitigate the impact of
                   potential emergencies, crises, and disasters.”

                   The research report concludes with a set of findings that underscores the significance of

                   cultivating a culture of  preparedness for  emergencies, crises, and disasters, to enhance
                   community resilience. The report also listed key strategies to incorporate emergency, crisis,

                   and disaster management principles, such as  education, training, awareness-building,

                   involving local communities in response plans,  passing relevant laws to support these
                   plans, and ensuring that organisations and community members communicate and

                   coordinate effectively.

                   Additionally, the research report discusses the  possibility of implementing innovative

                   strategies to support information exchange, threat evaluation, and emergency, crisis, and
                   disaster response plan creation. Social media platforms, smart applications for knowledge

                   sharing, virtual reality technology, and  educational serious games  that combine
                   entertainment and learning are all part of these strategies. These strategies are important

                   for raising awareness of possible risks and providing appropriate actions  for the best

                   possible reaction.

                   The report further highlights the significance of providing training to all staff members in
                   the emergency, crises, and disaster management field, equipping them with the relevant

                   expertise to improve collaboration and coordination among organisations and stakeholders
                   during crises. The report also outlines the need for response teams to have access to rapid
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