Page 668 - INVESTOPIA ENGLISH PR REPORT - International Part 2
P. 668
3/11/24, 12:43 PM Investopia 2024 holds 11 panel discussions exploring investment opportunities in the new economy, technology, circular and crea…
under the theme: Navigating the New Economy: Global
Economic Trends Challenging Governments where the four
discussed today's rapid economic developments,
technological and digital advancements, renewable energy
and issues facing globalisation.
Another panel discussion saw H.E. Khaldoun Al Mubarak,
Managing Director and CEO of Mubadala Investment
Company, present a comprehensive review of the new
investment sectors the company has identified and spoke
about the necessity of innovating new investment methods
and responding intelligently to the challenges and investment
opportunities arising from recent global economic changes.
In yet another session titled 'Investing in the Creative
Economy' with the renowned British actor, musician, and
director Idris Elba, Elba noted that there are several untapped
investment opportunities in the creative economy.
The opening day of Investopia 2024 also hosted a roundtable
titled: 'Family Offices: Catalysing ESG and Shaping the Future'
with Standard Chartered Bank and the UAE-UK Business… 5/6