P. 21

News Brief:

                Sharjah Airport organi    s es  ‘ Customer   Service  Week    ’  ini a ve to  promote  s elf ‐
                                                     s    ervice  t ravel

               October 19, 2023 – As part of its efforts to boost its strategy and in line with its vision to
               posi on Sharjah Airport as one of the top five regional airports in providing leading travel
               experience  and  services  to  passengers,  Sharjah  Airport  Authority  organised  the  globally
               celebrated “Customer Service Week” ini a ve during the first week of October to highlight its
               self‐service facili es at the airport. The ini a ve aimed at encouraging passengers to leverage
               the self‐service facili es available at the airport, further fostering a culture of communica on
               and achieving excellence in service delivery.

               To inform passengers about the self‐service travel process, the Customer Service Department
               coordinated  with  Sharjah  Avia on  Services,  the  airport's  official  ground  handling  service
               provider,  and  passport  control.  This  entails  prin ng  the  boarding  pass  and  luggage  tags,
               delivering them to the self‐baggage drop, and then proceeding straight to complete passport
               control procedures and automa c boarding pass verifica on through the smart gates. A er
               that, passengers can proceed to the new electronic gates to board the plane.

               Dr  Ahmed  Alhmoudi,  Director  of  Customer  Service  Department,  said:  “Sharjah  Airport
               Authority consistently strives to offer innova ve and smart services that elevate the passenger
               travel experience and adhere to the highest interna onal standards of quality. As part of our
               ongoing  commitment  to  delivering  a  dis nc ve  and  comfortable  travel  experience  that
               enables passengers to spend more  me in the airport facili es, we have made sure to assist
               and guide travellers on how to use the available smart services and technologies within the
               airport through the Customer Service Week ini a ve.”

               Sharjah Airport Authority constantly works to improve Sharjah Airport's opera ons in order
               to meet the growing demand while providing the best services and the highest standards. The
               authority  places  a  special  emphasis  on  comfort,  safety,  and  high‐quality  services  while
               maintaining complete professionalism and flexibility. The authority has received numerous
               interna onal accredita ons in passenger service from the Interna onal Airport Council, the
               latest of which is the Public Health & Safety Readiness Accredita on. This makes Sharjah
               Airport the first in the Middle East to receive this accredita on and the second in the Asia‐
               Pacific  region.  Addi onally,  expansion  projects  are  being  carried  out  to  enhance  the
               experience of passengers at the airport and boost the facili es and variety of services available
               to fulfil their needs, such as comfortable shops, restaurants, and wai ng lounges.
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