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Oualid Laouer, Lucie Jean, Maxime Pitrou, and Henry Mbouen, clinched the “Best
               Students Film” award. In the realm of young cinema, “Conscience,” directed by
               Mujtaba Al-Hejji, earned recognition as the “Best Child Made Film.”

               In the international category, Amir Honarmand’s “Silkworm” was hailed as the

               “Best International Short Film,” and Marjolaine Perreten’s “Pebble Hill”
               triumphed in the category of “Best Short Animated Film.” Kaisa Naess’s

               enchanting creation, “Titina,” was crowned as the “Best Animated Feature Film.”
               Special mentions were accorded to “Cat Kiss” by Hwang Soo-bin and “Aleise” by
               Abdullah Saharti.

               In her address, Sheikha Jawaher bint Abdullah Al Qasimi, Director FANN and
               SIFF, emphasised how the festival’s offerings had fostered creativity and

               inspiration among the younger generation. She expressed her heartfelt sentiments:
               “As we reach the culmination of the festival, we honour the artisans and
               storytellers whose films we passionately followed. Over five days, we were

               transported by more than 80 inspiring stories from around the world, all
               converging beneath the vibrant and creative cultural sky of ‘Sultan’s Sharjah.'”

               Sheikha Jawaher bint Abdullah Al Qasimi reaffirmed the festival’s unwavering
               support for the children of Palestine by donating its proceeds to the “Big Heart”
               campaign, dedicated to aiding the children of Gaza and Palestine facing the

               hardships of conflict.

               She expressed her profound gratitude towards the dedicated teams and volunteers
               who worked tirelessly to ensure the resounding success of the tenth edition. She

               commended their unwavering commitment, cooperation, and enthusiasm,
               highlighting the delightful choices they made throughout the festival.

               The awards ceremony featured the honouring of various partners and supporters

               who contributed to the festival’s triumph, including Sharjah Media City “Shams”
               (Gold Sponsor), Al Hilal Enterprises, and Gulftainer (Strategic Partners), VOX

               Cinema, Al Zahia Theater (Quarter Qarn), Sharjah Academy for Performing Arts,
               and Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park (Site Partners), City

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