Page 106 - Galadari PR Report - February 2024
P. 106

Galadari Automobiles launches first-ever ‘Mazda CX-60 & CX-90’ models in UAE and inaugurates all-new ‘Mazda Showroom’…
        Galadari Automobiles Launches First-Ever ‘Mazda CX-60 & CX-90’

        Models In UAE And Inaugurates All-New ‘Mazda Showroom’ On

        Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai

             By  Editor_wr   On  Feb 24, 2024


        Galadari Automobiles Co. launched the highly an cipated first-ever MAZDA CX-60 and CX-90 models during the
        inaugural ceremony of the all-new Mazda Showroom on Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, marking a momentous

        milestone in the 50-year partnership between Galadari Automobiles and Mazda Motor Corpora on, Japan. This
        demonstrates the company’s commitment to excellence as well as successfully mee ng customers’ needs, in line

        with the UAE’s vision to become a leading automo ve hub.

        With me culous precision, the first-ever Mazda CX-60 and CX-90 models have been built to embody automo ve
        perfec on, striking an ideal balance between performance and finesse. Both the CX-60 and CX-90 models are
        offered with a powerful and responsive 3.3L Inline-6 Turbocharged engine, combined with a 48V mild hybrid

        system. This combina on delivers an output of 284 hp and 450 Nm of torque in the CX-60, as well as a peak output
        of 345 hp and an impressive 500 Nm of torque in the CX-90. Furthermore, the fuel efficiency of the CX-60 is 15.4

        km/L while that of the CX-90 is 14.3 km/L, which in itself is best-in-class. These key specifica ons dis nguish the
        two models within the automo ve landscape in terms of power and efficiency.

        The all-new state-of-the-art showroom serves as a true reflec on of the global brand iden ty of Mazda, a brand

        renowned for its sophis cated design and exhilara ng performance. The showroom showcases an impressive line-
        up of the brand’s luxury vehicles with its spacious and minimalis c design. It further exemplifies Galadari

        Automobiles’ unwavering commitment to providing customers with a seamless and excep onal automo ve

        Mohammed Abdulla f Ibrahim Galadari, Co-Chairman and Group CEO of Galadari Brothers commented: “Galadari
        Automobiles Co. has played a pivotal role in the success of Galadari Brothers Group, holding a prominent posi on

        in the UAE’s automo ve industry. With more than five decades of partnership with Mazda, the company has
        remained commi ed to consistently making the customer’s experience of owning a car as exci ng, enjoyable, and

        value-added as possible. At Galadari Brothers, we seek to make a substan al contribu on to the UAE’s vision and
        developmental journey. Our overarching objec ve is to become a key driving force in the country’s technological,
        economic, sustainable progress, in line with our relentless pursuit of innova on and excellence.”

        He added: “The inaugura on of our all-new Mazda showroom on Sheikh Zayed Road symbolises our unrelen ng
        commitment to excellence in the automo ve industry. We are further pleased to launch the first-ever Mazda CX-60

        and CX-90, which are the epitome of innova on, performance and style. Beyond presen ng a fine selec on of
        Mazda’s revolu onary new models, we have completely redesigned the showroom with state-of-the-art facili es,
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