P. 115

7/1/24, 1:49 PM                               Heatwaves Threaten Workers Safety and Productivity
        1.    Conduct heat-specific risk assessments: regularly assess your operations for potential heat stress

        hazards. Identify high-risk locations and activities and consider vulnerable employee profiles, including those

        with pre-existing health conditions or who perform strenuous outdoor work.

        2.    Integrate heat safety into health and safety policies: make heat stress prevention a core component of

        your health and safety policies. Ensure workers have access to shaded areas for breaks, hydration stations to
        keep hydrated and allow for breathable workwear suitable for high temperatures.

        3.    Provide heat stress awareness and prevention training: deliver climate-specific training programmes that

        focus on working safely in extreme heat. Educate employees on proper hydration practices and sun protection

        measures and enable them to adjust their work pace during high temperatures. Train employees to recognise

        heat stress symptoms and provide clear protocols for hydration, rest breaks and cooling down.

        4.    Develop robust heat response protocols: develop well-defined procedures for responding to heat-related

        illnesses, including first aid and emergency evacuation. Communicate these protocols effectively and ensure
        your workforce knows who to contact in case of a heat emergency.

        5.    Continuously review and update your response plans: conduct regular reviews of your organisation’s heat

        response plans to ensure they reflect the latest information and best practices for heat safety.

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