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7/1/24, 1:29 PM
increased accidents and even fatalities. Annually, 22.85 million occupational injuries
and 18,970 work-related fatalities are attributable to excessive heat3. In the GCC,
heat stress is a recurring issue for outdoor workers, especially during the summer
when temperature may reach up to 50°C. With an aim to address this issue, the
Ministry of Labour has imposed a nationwide ban on outdoor work between 12:30
PM and 3:00 PM during summer. Additionally, the Ministry has mandated employers
to clearly display their working hours and provide appropriate rest areas that are
equipped with drinking water, first aid kits and sun protection measures. In 2023, the
country witnessed nearly 95.5 per cent of employers comply with the ban due to the
Ministry’s rigorous inspections.
Workers across various sectors are impacted by extreme weather events, however,
certain occupations are especially at risk as they involve more physical effort and/or
take place outdoors. Industrial workers in indoor settings are also at risk if
temperature levels inside factories and workshops are not regulated properly. At high
heat levels, performing even basic office and desk tasks can be challenging as it can
cause mental fatigue, while physiological and cognitive abilities can decline due to
heat strain.5 Exposure to excessive heat can also lead to serious health risks,
including heatstroke and even death. Proactive measures from organisations are
crucial to mitigate these risks and safeguard worker wellbeing and productivity. 2/2