Page 179 - SALIK PR REPORT - MARCH 2024
P. 179

3/5/24, 2:13 PM                    PRESSR: Salik reports record full-year revenues of AED 2.1bln — TradingView News

       for the period, excluding the impact of finance cost, finance income, and depreciation and amortization expenses
       23 totalled AED 1,098 million, including an AED 550 million dividend equivalent to [7.3338] Fils per share, proposed
       of 2023, to be distributed to shareholders subject to approval at the AGM

        Balance sheet remains in solid position, net debt/EBITDA comfortably within Company’s
        target leverage ratio

        The Company recorded a favourable net working capital balance of AED -192 million as of 31
        December 2023, compared to AED -164 million in the nine-month period, equating to c. 9.0%
        as a percentage of revenues. At the end 2023, net debt stood at AED 3.7 billion, from AED 3.8

        billion for the nine-month period and AED 3.18 billion in 2022. This translates to a net
        debt/EBITDA ratio of 2.7x, significantly below the Company’s debt covenant of 5.0x.

        Summary of financial position

                             31-Dec-                        % Δ        31-Dec-        % Δ
            AED million                   30-Sep-23
                             23                             QoQ        22             YoY

           Total assets,                            4,895   6.7%                      -1.5%
           including:        5,224                                     5,303

           Cash and
           cash                                         167  59.3%                    -67.6%
                             266                                       823

           Short term
           deposit with                                 500  -                         -
                             750                                       -
           bank (1)

           liabilities,                             4,528   0.7%                      -2.9%
                             4,561                                     4,699

           Borrowings                               3,988   0.0%                      0.1%
                             3,989                                     3,986

           Contract                                     343  2.8%                     4.6%
           liabilities (2)   353                                       338

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