Page 14 - Wilo PR Report - May 2024
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Wilo surpasses AED 7.82bn in net sales globally in 2023 - LogisticsGulf
        Wilo surpasses AED

        7.82bn in net sales

        globally in 2023

        May 26, 2024 | Posted by LG Content Team

        Focuses on sustainability and diversifica on

                                             Wilo Group, the leading pump manufacturer and digital
                                             pioneer in the pump industry, revealed remarkable
                                             financial results for the fiscal year 2023.

                                             Despite a challenging market environment, the
                                             mul na onal technology group achieved record net

                                             sales of around AED 7.82bn in the 2023 financial year.

                                             “Wilo’s consistent strategic focus on sustainability and

                                             diversifica on has allowed us to remain extremely
                                             successful, despite the economic downturn,” explained
                                             Oliver Hermes, President & CEO, Wilo Group.

         Wilo [Illustra ve Image]
                                             The company con nues to succeed globally, while also
        demonstra ng resilient growth in the Middle Eastern market by providing advanced
        pump technologies for diverse sectors, par cularly wastewater management in the

        MENA region.

        Wastewater treatment

        With a growing focus on wastewater treatment and the Middle East and Africa pump

        market expected to reach US$ 11.93bn by 2028, Wilo Middle East and North Africa
        strives to be a hallmark of excellence by offering cu ng-edge solu ons, excep onal
        services, and sustainable prac ces to clients across the region.

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