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4/23/24, 11:06 AM  PRESSR: International SOS underscores commitment to delivering effective medical care in challenging environments at DIHAD …
        International SOS Supply, which consists of six medical supply

        wholesale distribution centres strategically located across the world

        to provide critical medical assistance. The primary area of focus for

        International SOS Supply is the timely acquisition and delivery of

        high-quality medical supplies, including customised kits and modular

        health facilities, created to meet the demands of its clients.

        The theme of DIHAD 2004-2024: Humanitarian Diplomacy and a

        Journey to the Future – seamlessly aligns with International SOS’s

        mission to empower businesses with resilience, continuity, and

        sustainability in response to emerging global challenges. As part of

        its participation, the company is engaging with the attendees to

        emphasise the significance of pioneering proactive strategies that

        offers prompt and insightful information for safeguarding lives.

        Emmanuel PETREQUIN, General Manager, International SOS Supply

        and Government Services, said: “Over the years, DIHAD has emerged

        as a key platform for fostering collaboration and exchanging

        knowledge within the humanitarian and development community.

        We are privileged to be participating in this forum once again and

        reaffirm our commitment to assisting organisations in meeting their

        ‘Duty of Care’ obligations as well as fortifying business resilience

        amid prevalent health and security challenges.”

        During the event, International SOS is emphasising its supply

        division’s sustainability agenda as well as its sustainable

        procurement processes. The company’s medical support team, who

        has extensive expertise in security and medical domains, is further
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