P. 83

4/30/24, 12:58 PM             Climate Change Heats Up Workforce Safety and Health Concerns: International SOS Calls for Action

         The  traditional  focus  of  occupational  health  and  safety  on  physical  safety,  accident  prevention,  and
         maintaining a sustainable work environment has overlooked a critical factor, the impact of climate change on
         workforce wellbeing. Extreme weather events and climate-related disasters pose a growing threat to mental
         health  and  psychosocial  wellbeing.  These  events  can  trigger  a  range  of  emotional  responses,  including
         distress, anxiety, depression, grief, and even suicidal behaviour. 5

            Dr  Vikram  Vora,  Medical  Director  –  Indian  Subcontinent

            adds “With Southeast Asia bearing the brunt of an unprecedented

            heat wave this year, it is essential for organizations to go beyond

            mere  compliance  and  redesigning  their  workforce  health  and
            wellbeing programs to include the capability to respond to health

            threats  posed  by  climate  change.  Regular  assessments  and

            adaptations are key to ensuring workforce safety in this evolving

            landscape. By proactively managing emerging occupational health

            and safety risks, organizations can not only create positive work

            environments  but  also  contribute  to  a  more  sustainable  future.  2/4
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