Page 67 - SLC PR REPORT - JUNE 2024
P. 67

6/14/24, 4:29 PM   PRESSR: Statement by Ahmad Saeed bin Meshar Al Muhairi, SLC Secretary General, on World Environment Day 2024 — Tradin…
        PRESSR: Statement by

        Ahmad Saeed bin Meshar

        Al Muhairi, SLC Secretary

        General, on World

        Environment Day 2024

        Jun 4, 202413:24 GMT+4

        The commemoration of the World Environment Day reflects the

        growing significance of environmental conservation and protection

        efforts, especially as the challenges of climate change, pollution,

        and greenhouse gas emissions intensify. This event calls for

        concerted efforts and enhanced cooperation among countries to

        address these global challenges, advocating sustainable development

        as the optimal strategy for integrating progress, growth, and

        environmental protection, thereby envisioning a better future for


        Today's commemoration of the World Environment Day highlights the

        importance of promoting environmental awareness, adopting

        environment-friendly practices, and for all community members to

        assume their responsibilities in protecting the environment and

        ensuring its sustainability for future generations. This event holds,2024-06-04:newsml_ZawbT8bDj:0-pressr-statement-by-ahmad-saeed-bin-meshar-al-muhairi-slc-secr…  1/2
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