Page 15 - SGH REPORT - DECEMBER 2023
P. 15

Value of Ad Spend for Arabic Publications


                                                   WEBSITE                                     VALUE
                                                                                               In SAR
                     7 Adramout                        SGH establishes the third hospital in Egypt                           22,800
                     Akhirsaa                          SGH establishes the third hospital in Egypt                           13,700
                     Almahjar                          SGH establishes the third hospital in Egypt                           20,100
                     Almassaa                          SGH establishes the third hospital in Egypt                            6,800
                     Arab Nn                           SGH establishes the third hospital in Egypt                         23,600

                     Doctor News Web                   SGH establishes the third hospital in Egypt                           15,200
                     Elbashayer                        SGH establishes the third hospital in Egypt                           10,600
                     Gulf 365                          SGH establishes the third hospital in Egypt                           12,200
                     Sahafaa                           SGH establishes the third hospital in Egypt                           19,800
                                   TOTAL                                                                        144,800

                                  Total Arabic - SAR           144,800
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20