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6/20/24, 9:14 AM  Dubai unveils 'nol Travel' card with deals, discounts - ARN News Centre- Trending News, Sports News, Business News, Dubai New…

          Dubai unveils 'nol Travel' card with

          deals, discounts

              News Home           More from Lifestyle     Monday, 10 June 2024 20:18

                                                          By ARN News Staff

        Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has launched the 'nol Travel' discount card

        initiative, which provides exclusive offers at hotels, restaurants, retail stores and
        entertainment venues.

        Users can take advantage of 100 promotions covering 50 brands across 65 outlets, with discounts

        ranging from 10 per cent to 50 per cent.

        Mohammed Yousef Al Mudharreb, CEO of the Corporate Technology Support Services Sector at the
        RTA, said that the new 'nol Travel' card is an incentive package for various public transport users,

        including residents, tourists and visitors.

        It complements the existing nol card's benefits such as payment for public transport and taxi fares,
        parking fees and purchases at retail outlets.            1/2
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