P. 280
3/5/24, 10:12 AM Harnessing FDI for Driving Trade report launched during MC13 in Abu Dhabi - Aletihad News Center
Dr Thani Al Zeyoudi, who is also MC13 Chair, said the report was an important step in addressing trade infrastructure’
funding gap. “We cannot achieve inclusive, sustainable development without the contribution of private capital,
especially in the development of critical trade infrastructure in developing nations. This report offers practical and
timely guidance on how governments can best position their policies to channel it into pro-growth projects that leave
no nation behind. I commend its findings to the global investment community and look forward to capital being
mobilised and targeted into this vital sector.”
The report aligns with the central themes of the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference, the uppermost decision-making
body of the WTO. Global trade ministers and senior officials from member and observing governments are gathering in
Abu Dhabi between February 26-29 to review and refine the rules governing global trade. Its deliberations will build on
the breakthroughs of MC12 in Geneva in June 2022, such as fisheries subsidies and e-commerce, while seeking to
expand the benefits of trade to new nations and empower supply chains through the adoption of new technology.
Source: WAM 3/3