P. 576

2/23/24, 10:18 AM  KERNO to manufacture enterprise-class infrastructure products in the UAE as new member of NextGenFDI Program | Emirates …
                     and  cultivate  local  talent  and  have  adopted  an

                     ambitious  ‘Made-in-UAE’  plan  whereby  they  are

                     committed  to  keeping  development,  manufacture,  and

                     support functions within the UAE, as they leverage the

                     country’s  position  as  a  global  trading  hub  to  reach

                     markets across the world.

                     KERNO  is  using  the  NextGenFDI  program  to  help

                     accelerate the start of its operations in the UAE with the

                     company’s  first  phase  of  5,000  sqm  manufacturing

                     facility  (SMT  &  Assembly)  expected  to  be  in  full

                     operational  mode  by  the  3rd  quarter  of  this  year,  with

                     the  first  UAE-made  enterprise-class  products  being

                     delivered to customers by the 1st quarter of next year.

                     Dr Thani Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for foreign Trade

                     said: “KERNO is an important and welcome addition to

                     the  NextGenFDI  program,  contributing  to  the  UAE’s

                     progress  towards  becoming  a  technology-driven

                     knowledge economy. With the rapid digitization of our

                     societies, there is significant demand from large private

                     and public sector organisations regionally and globally

                     for  the  enterprise-class  IT  solutions  and  products  that

                     KERNO will design, develop and manufacture in the UAE.
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