Page 115 - SGH REPORT - FEBRUARY 2024
P. 115

2/14/24, 4:41 PM   Middle East Healthcare Company announces the commencement of the offer and subscription in its Sukuk denominated in SAR - …

          Middle East Healthcare Company announces the

          commencement of the offer and subscription in its Sukuk

          denominated in SAR

        12 February 2024 09:07 AM

         Element List                             Explanation
                                                                                              SAUDI GERMAN HEALTH
                        With reference to the announcement made by the Middle                 4009
                        East Healthcare Company (the “Company”) published on                   75.22%
                        the website of the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) on
                        04/07/1445H (corresponding to 16/01/2024G) relating to the
        Introduction                                                                          121.60        52.20
                        Company’s intention to issue Sukuk denominated in SAR
                        (the “Sukuk”) and the public offering thereof, the Company
                        announces the commencement of the Sukuk’s offering and
                        the retail and institutional subscription period.
        Offer Type      Sukuk denominated in SAR.
                        The issuance amount has been determined on an initial
        Value of the    basis at SAR 1,000,000,000 The definitive issuance amount
        offer           will be determined after the completion of the offer period,
                        based on market conditions at that time.
        Offering start  2024-02-12 Corresponding to 1445-08-02
        Offering end    2024-02-25 Corresponding to 1445-08-15
                        The Sukuk will be offered to eligible natural and legal
        The targeted    persons in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and any other
        class of the    relevant jurisdiction where the Sukuk may be lawfully
        Name of         The Company has mandated Al Rajhi Capital Company as
        Issuance        financial advisor, lead manager and dealer in relation the
        Manager         offering and issuance of the Sukuk.
                        Five Sukuk with a nominal value of SAR 5,000. For further
        Minimum         details, please refer to the base prospectus dated on
        Subscription 14/01/2024G (the “Base Prospectus”) prepared in relation to
                        the Sukuk.
        Offer Price
        (Sukuk          SAR 1,000 per Sak.
        Par Value       SAR 1,000 per Sak.
        (Sukuk          7.20% per annum fixed rate payable quarterly.
        (Sukuk          5 years.
        Terms of        The Company may redeem the Sukuk, in certain events,
        Redemption      before the expiry date as detailed in the Base Prospectus.…  1/2
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