Page 47 - SGH REPORT - FEBRUARY 2024
P. 47
2/28/24, 2:55 PM Milestone surgery at Saudi German Hospital Dammam
Saudi German Hospital Dammam. Image Courtesy: Saudi German Hospital
Milestone surgery at Saudi German Hospital
Successful thyroid gland removal sets new standard in advanced medical care
Press Release
February 27, 2024
Surgeons at Saudi German Hospital Dammam successfully removed the thyroid gland of
a 28-year-old woman, which had extended into her neck and upper chest. This intricate
procedure, conducted with precision and care, marks a significant milestone in the
hospital’s commitment to providing advanced medical care to the community.
This tumor obstructed her blood flow causing breathing and swallowing difficulties, as well
as a weakened voice. Using a minimally invasive approach through a neck incision, the
surgeons avoided cutting though the rib cage. 1/3