P. 135

7/1/24, 4:57 PM                    UAE Cracks Down On Counterfeit: 620 Violations Recorded Since The Start Of 2023
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        Federal Decree Law No. (42) of 2023 on combating commercial fraud provides a new impetus
        for an integrated legislative system to protect consumer rights and tackle commercial fraud in

        the country, in line with international best practices.

        The law establishes mechanisms and controls to prevent the trade of counterfeit, adulterated,

        and corrupt products, and to combat the counterfeiting of original goods and all forms of
        commercial fraud. This ensures the foundation of fair competition in the country and enhances

        its leadership in global competitiveness indicators and reports.

        Abdullah Ahmed Al Saleh, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy, stressed that this law
        represents a new milestone in enhancing the state's efforts to shift towards a new economic

        model based on fair competition and innovation, developing the regulatory and legislative
        environment for the economic sector, and enhancing the business environment and its

        governance, in line with the strategic objectives of the Ministry of Economy to develop the
        regulatory and legislative environment for the economic sector.

        He said:“This law, which replaced the previous legislation to combat commercial fraud, comes

        to enhance the competitiveness of the business environment for companies and trademark
        owners in the country, stimulate innovation in business, support the protection of intellectual

        property, and at the same time be consistent with federal legislation for“consumer protection”
        and“trademarks.” "And "copyright" and "related rights" and "commercial agencies", noting that
        its materials were developed with a proactive and flexible approach that anticipates future


        The most prominent outcomes of the law included providing a suitable and safe environment
        when purchasing by combating counterfeit, counterfeit, and corrupt goods, organizing

        procedures for withdrawing counterfeit, counterfeit, or corrupt goods from markets and stores
        and refunding their value, and establishing the“Supreme Committee for Combating

        Commercial Fraud,” which will be responsible for enforcing anti-commercial fraud policies in
        all areas. State markets in coordination between the relevant federal and local authorities.

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