P. 25

Press Release

               Dubai Media City, the TECOM Group has created integrated business environments that attract
               top talent from around the world. The Group has succeeded in attracting global companies and

               best talents in six strategic sectors, thanks to the UAE and Dubai's state-of-the-art infrastructure,

               supported by legislative and regulatory frameworks that prioritize innovation and growth.”

               “TECOM Group’s media sector includes over 3,500 clients working within Dubai Media City, Dubai
               Studio  City,  and Dubai Production  City.  Our  goals  align with forward-looking government

               strategies  such  as ‘We  the  UAE  2031’ and  Dubai Economic Agenda  D33. We are  pleased to

               welcome La Liga in Dubai Media City, affirming our steadfast commitment to supporting the
               Ministry of Economy’s efforts to cement the UAE’s position as a leading global destination for

               creativity and innovation,” he added.

               Through this  project,  the  Ministry of  Economy  seeks to  encourage investment  in advanced

               technology and digital innovations, along with the various services offered by the laboratory. The
               primary objective is  to enhance  the  protection  of intellectual  and creative rights within  the

               country, in line with the Ministry’s strategic goals of fostering leadership and competitiveness in

               innovation and intellectual property rights. This initiative also aims to empower national creative
               talents to utilize intellectual property applications, thereby contributing to the development of a

               knowledge and innovation-driven national economy.

               The  Ministry of Economy  has  outlined plans  to  complete  the project  within 3  years  in

               collaboration with its partners. The Anti-Piracy Lab, which will be established in Dubai Media City,
               will be  similar to the  La Liga’s  Anti-Piracy  Lab in Madrid.  The lab will  utilize  cutting-edge

               technological and digital tools to detect, analyze, and remove illegally used audiovisual content,

               adhering  to industry best practices.  Dubai was chosen due to its  collaborative  efforts  with
               relevant government bodies to formulate policies promoting creative industries and safeguarding

               intellectual property rights. The city also contributes to the development of a legal and regulatory

               framework that supports innovation and creativity in the media industry.

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