P. 41

5/7/24, 9:01 AM         The True Cost of a Failed International Assignment: USD1.25 million – Highlighted in International SOS’ New Report

                Commenting on the figure, and the importance of preventative strategies,

                Katherine Avery, Tax Principal at KPMG, states, "With the impact to the
                business of a failed international assignment potentially being detrimental,

                striking a balance between managing cost and employee experience is vital
                for the success of any assignment. Engaging with the internal global

                mobility team early in the planning stages can be highly beneficial, as their

                expertise with the mobility policy and understanding of the organisation,
                can help to ensure an optimal employee experience while also effectively

                managing cost and compliance."

                Last year, International SOS proactively disseminated approximately 102
                million medical and security alerts and special advisories to mobile workers

                and those responsible for safeguarding their wellbeing. The Return on
                Investment report highlights the importance of this work, especially in light

                of KPMG’s estimate of the cost of a failed assignment.

                Dr Neil Nerwich, Group Medical Director at International SOS, comments:

                "The key points with respect to cost containment are proactivity, in both, the

                prevention of medical incidents through appropriate preparation and
                education of employees before deployment and travel. The interventions

                we take very early on in the course of a medical event have a significant
                impact on the ultimate medical outcome of a patient. At International SOS,

                early intervention is at the core of our approach, which starts before an

                individual travels or is assigned overseas. When we are highly proactive,
                we are not only significantly benefiting medical outcomes, but also

                mitigating our clients’ business disruption. By addressing illnesses or                       2/4
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