P. 591
1/3/25, 6:21 PM Sheikha Fatima outlines UAE's commitment to supporting senior citizens and families | The National
“Families and senior citizens, both Emirati and residents, will continue to be at the forefront
of our effor ts, and we will enhance our assistance for them,” Sheikha Fatima said.
“Our dedic ation is to implement more initiatives that improve their standard of living
through an integrated and sustainable social c are system.
“Our effor ts will be focused on meeting their needs, achieving their go als, and offer ing
them intellectual and emotional suppor t. We aim to provide a he al thy and enr iching lifest yle
by foster ing psychologic al and mental well-being.”
Sheikha Fatima referenced the resul ts of the 2024 Wor ld Happiness Repor t, which reve aled
that senior citizens are among the happiest demographic in the UAE.
Long-term vision
The Emirates is pr ior itising social welfare policies as it seeks to meet the needs of a
growing population and adapt to a gradual transition towards an older demographic.
The gover nment set out a ro ad map to enhancing the lives of senior citizens in 2018.
The National Policy for Senior Emiratis was approved by the UAE Cabinet with the aim of
ensur ing elder ly Emiratis remain active members of societ y and have access to essential
ser vices.
The policy was buil t upon seven main components: he al th c are, communit y involvement
and active life, effective civic p ar ticip ation, infrastructure and transpor tation, financial
stabilit y, safet y and secur it y and qualit y of life.
Initiatives included medic al training for c aregivers and for ming provide b asic he al th
insurance plans for senior citizens across the countr y are p ar t of the components dubbed
the “he al thc are hub”.
Last week, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Pr ime Minister and Ruler of Dub ai, announced
the establishment of a Ministr y of Family, with Sana Suhail confir med as the first Minister of
In November, the UAE announced a Dh500 million communit y initiative focused on the well-
being of senior citizens, women and children through communit y councils that provide
comprehensive social ser vices across the UAE. 2/5