Page 113 - AAE PR REPORT - JUNE 2024
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6/5/24, 9:23 AM                      Al Ansari Exchange Sees Huge Rise in TravelCards Issuance | Financial News

        Al Ansari Exchange Sees Surge in TravelCards Issuance

        By Clementine Crooks
        June 3, 2024         183
                                                        Al Ansari Exchange, the largest remittance and foreign exchange company
                                                        in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has announced a significant 24%
                                                        increase in its multicurrency prepaid TravelCard issuance. This is
                                                        complemented by a 28% surge in load value during the first four months of
                                                        this year compared to the same period last year. These impressive figures
                                                        illustrate Al Ansari Exchange's commitment to innovative financial solutions
                                                        and align with the UAE's national digital transformation initiatives.

                                                        The multicurrency prepaid TravelCard from Al Ansari Exchange offers
                                                        customers a secure and convenient alternative to carrying cash while
                                                        traveling abroad. The card enables travelers to load up to 23 different
                                                        currencies onto one single card, making it an ideal companion for
                                                        international travel. Popular currencies loaded on these cards include Euros
                                                        (EUR), US Dollars (USD), British Pounds (GBP), and Canadian Dollars (CAD).
                                                        This caters particularly well for UAE residents traveling overseas, especially
        those visiting countries such as the UK, Europe, USA, and Canada.

        "Our multicurrency prepaid TravelCards have been received positively," said Ali Al Najjar, COO of Al Ansari Exchange. "This growth
        reflects our continuous efforts towards innovation that meets evolving customer needs." He further added: "As the UAE spearheads
        digital transformation across sectors, we are proud contributors to enhancing digital financial solutions available for our customers."

        Several factors contributed to this increase in TravelCard issuance, including the resurgence of international travel after COVID-19
        restrictions eased globally, competitive exchange rates offered by Al Ansari Exchange, rising demand for secure yet flexible travel
        money options, and strategic marketing initiatives taken by the company itself.

        In addition to these factors, the expansion of its branch network and enhanced digital platforms made it easier for customers to not
        only access but also manage their TravelCards, resulting in increased usage.

        Digital innovation remains at the core of operations at Al Ansari Exchange, aligning perfectly with the UAE's Vision 2021, which
        promotes a smart economy nationwide. Leveraging advanced technology tools ensures that the company's products and services
        meet the highest standards of efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction.

        Al Ansari Exchange continues to be committed to providing a wide range of financial products and services catering to the diverse
        needs of its clientele. The company's investment in technology combined with its commitment to excellence in customer service
        ensures seamless and satisfactory experiences for all users.

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