Page 9 - GAS PR REPORT - May 2024
P. 9


              No.                                TOPIC

               3                      The first edition of the UAE Games                       May 2024

                                       CONTENT DEVELOPMENT

              No.                                TOPIC

               1                 Preparing a monthly report for the media sector               May 2024

               2                    Writing 10 messages “internal-external”                    May 2024

               3              Updating the Government Communication Strategy 2023              May 2024

               4         Preparing and developing a plan to enhance Internal Communication     May 2024

                      Preparing the promotional Media Plan for the Transformational Project "UAE:
               5                                                                               May 2024
                                        Destination for Sports Events"

               6       Updating and developing the Comprehensive Media Messages File of GAS    May 2024

                      Drafting the press interview for the H.E Director General of GAS with Emirates
               7                                                                               May 2024
                                           News Agency "WAM"
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