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As part of its participation, the MFNCA is showcasing the 'Smart Communication Platform,' a
digital platform and integrated electronic archive for the Ministry's media materials. The platform
contains images, videos, press releases, guides, publications, and other media files pertaining to all
events organised by the Ministry. It also enables Ministry employees to easily access and share
relevant files with both internal and external stakeholders.
The MFNCA is also presenting the 'Innovation Platform,' which is intended to accept any
suggestions and creative ideas that can improve the working environment within the Ministry.
This reflects the Ministry's goal to encourage a culture of innovation within the workplace through
transformative activities and resources for the Ministry's employees. It also facilitates and
streamlines the exchange of electronic reports and other performance indicators.
Lastly, the Ministry will showcase the 'Digital Services Platform,' an integrated internal electronic
platform that features all employee-related services. The Ministry has converted internal services
into smart electronic services that are accessible through this platform, making it the central point
of access for all offerings. This allows employees to access all services quickly and easily, thereby
increasing operational efficiency.
The Ministry is also set to showcase the electronic voting and remote voting systems, which
provide an integrated and innovative digital system for voting in the Federal National Council
elections. The 'remote voting' system allows users to vote in the Federal National Council elections
remotely from anywhere around the world, whether inside or outside the country, using the digital
applications decided by the National Election Committee.
The 'electronic voting device,' which is one of the most prominent technical innovations that the
Ministry has added to its range of achievements, offers users the opportunity to vote at polling
stations spread across the Emirates, in accordance with the information security, personal data
protection, and cybersecurity standards in the UAE, to ensure integrity, transparency, and accuracy
within the elections.