Page 100 - MOE ENGLISH PR - APRIL 2024
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5/6/24, 8:58 AM   Ministry of Economy hosts an array of events aimed at raising awareness on IP rights in creative industries & fostering an environm…
        Ministry of Economy hosts an array of

        events aimed at raising awareness on

        IP rights in creative industries &

        fostering an environment conducive to

        innovation in the UAE

        April 30, 2024                                                                                             13

        The Ministry of Economy (MoEc) hosted an array of events in connection with the World

        Intellectual Property (IP) Day, celebrated this year under the theme ‘IP and SGDs: Building
        Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity.’ The initiative emphasized why IP

        protection is key to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is a
        priority for the UAE in all sectors, particularly the economic one. It highlighted the proactive

        approach adopted by the UAE in establishing a legislative and regulatory framework that
        promotes IP rights and supports creators of ideas and entrepreneurial ventures in line with

        global best practices.

        H.E. Abdullah Al Saleh, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy, said: “Under the directives
        of its wise leadership, the UAE has achieved remarkable success in establishing a leading legal
        framework for IP. This framework adheres to the highest global standards and aims to

        enhance the importance of knowledge and creativity in driving economic growth. The country
        has enacted three laws on the regulation and protection of industrial property rights,

        trademarks, copyrights, and neighboring rights. Furthermore, it has launched an integrated
        system consisting of 11 initiatives that include all intellectual property applications. These

        initiatives align with the nation’s vision to transition to an innovative and knowledge-based
        economy model, while also fostering research and development.”

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