Page 143 - MOE ENGLISH PR - APRIL 2024
P. 143

5/1/24, 3:37 PM                    UAE and Ukraine Finalize Terms of Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
              manufacturing and IT and rebuild essential


        He added,

              “The agreement will play an active role in the

              revitalisation of the Ukrainian economy, and we

              look forward toward the ratification of the deal

              and the new opportunities it will create for the

              business communities on both sides.”

        Meanwhile, Yulia Svyrydenko, Ukraine’s First Deputy Prime Minister and

        Minister of Economic Development and Trade, said,

              “The conclusion of CEPA negotiations between

              Ukraine and the UAE marks a historic milestone

              in our bilateral relations. I am confident that the

              Ukrainian and Emirati business communities will

              fully capitalize on the opportunities presented by
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