Page 465 - MOE ENGLISH PR - APRIL 2024
P. 465

4/25/24, 3:30 PM                              UAE and Ecuador begin Cepa talks to bolster trade ties
             UAE CEPA DEALS (2024)
             The UAE is seeking to sign deals to boost trade and investment flows

               Signed and implemented   Signed and awaiting implementation
               Deals concluded and awaiting signing  Talks nearing completion  Negotiations launched

             Source: The National

                                                                                               A Flourish map
            Non-oil trade with Turkey, which contributed 5.1 per cent to the UAE's total,

            grew by 103.7 per cent year on year in 2023, the highest among the top 10
            trading partners. This came after the two countries brought their Cepa into

            effect in September.

            Trade with India, which signed a Cepa with the UAE in May 2022, grew by 3.9

            per cent, accounting for more than 7.6 per cent of the total trade, the Emirates
            announced in February.

            The UAE is expected to exceed its initial target of signing 26 Cepas because of

            its pace of work and interest from other countries, Dr Al Zeyoudi, told The
            National in March.

            It also aims to conclude more trade deals with African countries, according to
            Juma Al Kait, assistant undersecretary for international trade affairs at the

            Ministry of Economy.  4/5
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