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4/25/24, 3:43 PM          Ministry of Economy organises ‘National Forum for SMEs - Government Procurement’ | Emirates News Agency
                     outlined in Federal Law no. 2 of 2014 concerning SMEs.

                     It emphasised their role in driving the growth of Emirati

                     SMEs, while also exploring the means to further

                     cooperation and forge partnerships between relevant

                     government entities. The session was attended by

                     Abdullah Ahmed Al Saleh, Under-Secretary of the

                     Ministry of Economy; and Younis Haji Al Khoori, Under-

                     Secretary of Ministry of Finance.

                     The second session, titled ‘Inspiring stories in the world

                     of government tenders’ highlighted a collection of

                     success stories from owners of national SMEs. Attendees

                     had the opportunity to hear about the challenges and

                     obstacles that these entrepreneurs encountered while

                     securing bids and tenders from government entities,

                     along with the strategies they employed to overcome

                     them. The session highlighted the tools these

                     entrepreneurs relied on to enhance their prospects of

                     obtaining these tenders.

                     The third session, titled ‘From legislation to

                     implementation: Policies and practices of supporting

                     SMEs,’ explored the Ministry of Economy's role in

                     supporting Emirati entrepreneurs. It showcased the
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