Page 585 - MOE ENGLISH PR - APRIL 2024
P. 585

4/24/24, 11:51 AM                     Colombia aims to attract UAE investment worth $700 million after signing Cepa

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            Colombia aims to attract investment between $600 million and $700 million
            after the South American country signed the Comprehensive Economic
            Partnership Agreement (Cepa) with the UAE on Friday.

            The new investment from the UAE is expected to be made in sectors including

            green hydrogen and digital economy, according to Colombia’s trade, industry
            and tourism minister.

            The new deal “will enhance the trade and investment co-operation between
            the two countries, with the participation of their private sectors in business,

            services, trade, investment, and other vital sectors that will have a positive
            economic impact”, German Mendoza told the state-run news agency Wam.

                                                 “It will open a new trade corridor between
            READ MORE
                                                 South America and the Middle East, which are
            UAE and Costa Rica sign Cepa deal
            to boost investment and trade ties   key markets with more than 800 million
            UAE signs 11th economic
            partnership deal amid trade          The UAE and Colombia have continued to
            expansion push                       strengthen economic ties, with non-oil trade

                                                 between the two countries rising by 43 per
            cent in 2023 to reach a record $53.1 million, more than double the total

            achieved in 2021.


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