Page 773 - MOE ENGLISH PR - APRIL 2024
P. 773
4/12/24, 4:38 PM PRESSR: His Excellency Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi visits International Development Bank’s headquarters in Dubai — Tradin…
PRESSR: His Excellency
Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al
Zeyoudi visits International
Development Bank’s
headquarters in Dubai
Apr 1, 202415:11 GMT+4
HE Dr. Al Zeyoudi reviewed the Bank’s plans, strategies, and Dubai
branch contributions to fostering business relations between the
UAE and Iraq
Dubai: His Excellency Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of
State for Foreign Trade, asserted the United Arab Emirates’
commitment to strengthening its strategic partnership with the
Republic of Iraq in different sectors, especially in terms of business
and investment partnerships in high-priority sectors.
HE Dr. Al Zeyoudi stated: “Both parties are keen on further
developing economic ties to serve the mutual interests of the two
countries, and offer additional opportunities for entrepreneurs and
the private sector in both markets. This commitment has positively,2024-04-01:newsml_ZawbVphMx:0-pressr-his-excellency-dr-thani-bin-ahmed-al-zeyoudi-visits-interna… 1/3