P. 445

Press Release

               development in the realm of entrepreneurial strategies that helps improve family productivity
               and support future industrial sectors of the country. This can be attained by providing creative
               ideas and opportunities for families and youth to develop their concept into projects  and
               equipping them with key knowledge, skills and tools to establish an entrepreneurial project that
               keeps pace  with the developments  of the global and local market in  accordance  with the
               requirements of the 50s.

               “The Children of the Future " pillar helps in exciting and entertaining education of children,
               encouraging them to be active learners in society and their families. Learning through play and
               entertainment helps the child grow and develop in a healthy and natural way by developing
               sensory and contact communication, and strengthening the link between the child, parents and
               the environment. This is an essential part of a child’s cognitive, social and emotional growth,
               which increases their intelligence, flexibility and sense of well-being. Through a variety of
               educational and emotionally charged activities and events, this aspect seeks to improve their
               overall development. These experiences will help them develop the skills, habits and values
               that will nurture their personalities and help them become responsible, self-aware individuals
               who are aware of their responsibilities and the needs of their community,” she added.

               Al Suwaidi emphasised that the forum supports the Emirati Heritage, which is a significant
               aspect of UAE history and culture. It serves as the source of the nation's real values, language,
               customs, beliefs and way of life, all of which serve to define its culture and sense of national
               identity. It is seen as a vital component in forming both national and personal identity, as well
               as a bridge for intergenerational contact and  one of the main pillars in the process of
               development and construction. This aspect highlights the life lived by parents and ancestors in
               the past, which led to the evolved life we lead today, by focusing on Emirati heritage in all the
               inherited traditions  relating to social life, cuisine culture, marriage, religious ceremonies,
               handicrafts and folk arts.

               The third edition of Abu Dhabi Family Forum concluded last year with great responses from
               the participants. They expressed their gratitude and appreciation to HH Sheikha Fatima bint
               Mubarak,  ‘Mother of  the Nation’,  who gives special place to family in her priorities and
               concerns. Furthermore, participants commended on the commitment of FDF, which plays a
               significant role in catering to all segments of society and bringing joy to families through
               various aspects of this forum and its accompanying elements such awards, competitions and
               entertainment events.

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