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2/9/24, 12:12 PM                          Everyday Investors Triumph: The Salik Success Story in Dubai
        Yet, every triumph casts a shadow. A. Iqbal, who bid Dh5,000 but received only Dh2,000 in shares due to

        oversubscription, feels the sting of mixed blessings. While his investment grows, the new toll gates will increase his daily

        commute expenses. Navya Muraly, another investor, shares similar concerns about potential rises in taxi fares and
        additional costs. However, the hope for higher dividends keeps their optimism alive.

        Salik's Future: A Path Paved with Promise

        As Salik continues to grow, so does its impact on the UAE. In 2023, the company saw a 11.4% increase in revenues, with
        a net profit of Dh1.09 billion. Salik's dividend policy—to give out 100% of the profit—delights investors who anticipate

        a prosperous financial future. With new toll gates opening and a partnership with the operator of The Dubai Mall, Salik is

        poised to see higher incoming numbers and increased revenue.

        This financial saga of Salik is not merely a tale of numbers. It is a testament to the power of investment, the resilience of
        the human spirit, and the transformative potential of financial growth. As the world watches Salik's trajectory, residents

        like Dean, A. Iqbal, and Navya Muraly stand as living proof of the UAE's financial promise.

        The echoes of Salik's success reverberate across the globe, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who dare

        to invest in their future. In the grand tapestry of financial news, the story of Salik stands out—a vivid thread of triumph,
        woven with human resilience and the promise of a prosperous tomorrow.

        A New Chapter in the Salik Saga

        As we move further into 2024, Salik's journey continues to unfold. The tale of the Dubai toll operator has evolved from a
        single chapter of financial success into a multi-faceted saga, captivating the attention of investors worldwide. With its

        stock gaining over 20% in the past 12 months, Salik is not just a regional triumph—it is a global phenomenon.

        The new toll gates and partnership with The Dubai Mall operator signal a promising future for Salik. As incoming

        numbers rise and revenue increases, the company cements its position as a leader in the UAE's financial landscape. The

        story of Salik is far from over; it is merely beginning a new chapter in its remarkable journey.

        For Dean Fernandes, A. Iqbal, Navya Muraly, and countless other investors, Salik's success is more than just financial

        growth. It is a testament to the power of belief, the resilience of the human spirit, and the transformative potential of

        investment. As the world watches Salik's trajectory, their stories stand as a reminder that financial news is not just about

        numbers—it is about people, their dreams, and the promise of a prosperous future.

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