P. 610

Dubai Press Club launches content creators programme

               The Dubai Press Club (DPC) launched the first phase of the Dubai Content Creators
               Programme in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, a new initiative aimed at
               equipping  emerging  talent  and  content  creators  with  advanced  skills  to  create
               impactful digital content.

               The  three-week  programme,  led  by  prominent  experts  and  renowned  financial  media
               organisations, seeks to provide emerging media talent with training to enhance economic
               literacy within the fast-evolving digital landscape, equipping them with the latest trends in
               economic reporting.

               The programme commenced with a session featuring His Excellency Abdullah bin Touq Al
               Marri, UAE Minister of Economy, who emphasised the importance of such training initiatives
               in equipping participants with the skills to create specialised content.
               He also highlighted the growing need for impactful content that keeps up with the rapid
               changes in today’s world, particularly in the economic field. Content creators must have a
               solid understanding of the tools and techniques required to deliver accurate, objective, and
               impactful messages, the minister noted.

               Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri said that under the guidance of the UAE’s leadership, the country
               is committed to supporting the development of the media sector. “The UAE has established
               specialised  zones  with  world-class  infrastructure,  advanced  technologies,  and  flexible
               regulations, positioning it as a regional hub for leading global media organisations,” he said.

               He added: “The Ministry of Economy recognises the importance of providing accurate and
               reliable economic data as the backbone of professional content that enhances economic
               literacy  among  the  community.  The  Ministry  is  also  keen  on  collaborating  with  content
               creators by providing them with trustworthy and reliable data.”

               The minister concluded: “The launch of the Economic Content Creators Programme reflects
               the strategic partnership between the Ministry of Economy and the Dubai Media Council. It
               marks  an  important  step  in  fostering  innovation  and  creating  a  media  environment  that
               keeps pace with rapid economic developments locally and globally. The Ministry of Economy
               considers  media  organisations  essential  partners  in  showcasing  the  UAE’s  economic
               strengths, development e orts, and rapid transformations, while providing accurate insights
               into the national economy.”

               Mona Al Marri, President of Dubai Press Club, expressed her gratitude to the UAE Ministry of
               Economy for its support and commended the e orts of His Excellency Abdullah bin Touq Al
               Marri and his  team in  enriching  the  programme. She praised the Ministry's  collaborative
               approach, highlighting its commitment to achieving the UAE’s strategic goals across sectors.
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